In order to enjoy the 2-insterest free payment method we need you to chip in with the below:

We will use an E-INVOICE method via Squareup that will allow you to make an initial deposit payment, you will then be set up on a recurring payment schedule for your last payment which will take place ONE MONTH prior to your wedding day. This will become the contract that will bind us.


Your shopping cart MUST include your FINAL items selection. This cannot undergo any changes after requesting this payment method. Remember this is meant to be easy on both ends.

Take a screenshot of your entire shopping cart, or print it on a PDF file and have it on hand as you will need to share this with us so we can create the E-INVOICE we mentioned above.

Send it all in via email to
Make sure to include:
Subject: Payment Plan Request
Full Name
Phone Number
Wedding Date
Shipping Address (Venue)
Attachment (your shopping cart details in .jpg or .pdf)


We will process your request within 24-hours and you will be notified via email. After initial payment is made we will then lock your event date and we’ll begin making arrangements on your behalf leading up to your big day.